Pages: 56

Date de parution: 11 décembre 2024

ISBN (Papier): 9782897503970

ISBN (PDF): 9782897503987

Code: 20241219080220

The Bearing


Auteur.trice: Elizabeth Blanchard
Artiste: Nancy King Schofield

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As she holds her newborn son in her arms, the young mother feels her heart leave her chest.  From that moment on, she sinks into the meanders of a visceral love

The Bearing combines author Elizabeth Blanchard’s remarkable tale for adults with the striking works of visual artist Nancy King Schofield. From the first pages, this book reveals a strange, disturbing story, preserved in the memory of a storyteller whose narrative transcends time. Born of an artistic kinship spanning more than twenty years, this work is a unique literary creation.

Also available in French under the title Le cœursidé.

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Elizabeth Blanchard

Elizabeth Blanchard tout en ayant une formation et une carrière scientifiques se consacre depuis de nombreuses années à l’écriture. Ses nouvelles ont été publiées dans des revues littéraires et des anthologies canadiennes. Coéditrice de Cadence : voix féminines females voices (2020, Frog Hollow Press), adjointe en édition pour The Antigonish Review elle est également membre du conseil d’administration du Festival Frye. Lauréate du concours littéraire de nouvelles de la Writers Federation of New Brunswick, elle a été finaliste en 2021 pour le prix David Adams Richards. Crédit photo : Marc Blanchard


Elizabeth Blanchard worked as a pharmacist for fourteen years before her interest in literature eventually led to a career change. Her short fiction has appeared in Canadian literary journals and anthologies. Member of the Board of Directors for the Frye Festival, she also co-edited Cadence: voix féminines females voices (2020, Frog Hollow Press) and was assistant fiction editor for The Antigonish Review. She won the Writer’s Federation of New Brunswick literary competition for short fiction and was a 2021 finalist for the David Adams Richards Prize. Photo credit: Marc Blanchard

Nancy King Schofield

Nancy King Schofield est poète et artiste visuelle. Diplômée en 1991 en beaux-arts à l’Université Mount Allison, elle a depuis exposé ses œuvres plus d’une centaine de fois. Lauréate de Loomis et Toles de l’Université Mount Allison et du Festival des arts visuels en Atlantique à Caraquet (2001), elle est aussi lauréate de la Writers Federation of New Brunswick (2010). Écriture et arts visuels se marient fréquemment dans sa pratique et Nancy Schofield a fondé The Breach House Gang et Woman Who Write, deux groupes qui rassemblent de nombreuses forces vives littéraires du Nouveau-Brunswick. Crédit photo : Marc Blanchard


Nancy King Schofield is a poet and visual artist. She obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts with distinction from Mount Allison University in 1991 and has since presented over a hundred art exhibitions. She won the Loomis and Toles Award for painting from Mount Allison and an award at the Festival des arts visuels en Atlantique in Caraquet (2001). She also won first place in the Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick Writing Competition (2010). She co-founded the groups Breach House Gang (1999) and Women Who Write (2016), which consist of published writers and artists who continue to meet every month. Photo credit: Marc Blanchard