Genre: Jeunesse
Pages: 84
Date de parution: 18 août 2014
ISBN (Papier): 9782896820498
ISBN (ePub): 9782896820511
ISBN (PDF): 9782896820504
Piau's Potato Present
Auteur.trice: Diane Carmel Léger Illustré par: Tamara Thiébaux-Heikalo
*Version anglophone de La patate cadeau, de Diane Carmel Léger*
Did a gift of potatoes in 1768 lead to a popular
dish enjoyed by Acadians today?
Christian Treitz, the youngest son in a German family immigrated to the Monckton Township, learns that the trauma of the Acadian Deportation is still alive. The Treitz family is hungry and cold. Luckily, Christian meets Pierre Belliveau, who could have left Moncton’s newcomers to their unhappy fate. Instead, the Acadian has brought with him the seed of a new beginning. Despite the obstacles between them, their unexpected friendship blossoms on the banks of the Petitcodiac River.