Genre: Jeunesse 4 à 7 ans
Pages: 24
Date de parution: 21 juin 2022
ISBN (Papier): 9782897502935
ISBN (ePub): 9782897502959
ISBN (PDF): 9782897502942
A Home For Molly
Auteur.trice: Jennifer Houle Illustré par: Nathasha Pilotte
The inhabitants of the bottom of the bay are discouraged.So much waste accumulates there. Not a day goes by without one of them getting stuck in a plastic object. Molly and Fred, two lobsters, and their friend Celeste the crab decide to take action, especially as Molly is about to moult and must think about protecting her eggs. So, they return all the waste to where it came from. Then, in a sudden turn of events, the fishermen intervene.
Also available in french under the title Un logis pour Molly