Omar Al-Hafidh

Omar Al-Hafidh est un illustrateur torontois (Ontario), originaire de Baghdad, en Irak. Il a grandi avec le dessin, un élément essentiel de son développement expressif et partie intégrante de son identité. Son travail offre souvent des aperçus de son enfance et de son imagination. Son numéro d’agent secret est le 206. Où tu vas, Emma? est son premier album illustré.


Omar Al-Hafidh is a Torontonian (Ontario) illustrator originally from Baghdad, Iraq. He grew up drawing, an essential element of his expressive development and an integral part of his identity. His work often presents glimpses of his childhood and imagination. His secret agent number is 206. tu vas, Emma? (Where Do You Go, Emma?) is his first picture book.